About Me

Hey! Welcome to my blog.  I imagine that most people who come to this site will have met me at one point in time, or another, but this page is here just in case you haven’t, and happened to stumble into this page through google, or because someone linked to one of my articles from some other site and thus brought you here…. And also because maybe you have met one aspect or me, but failed to discover many of the other things I’m up to that may also interest you.

So, here is the basics, I have considered myself a gypsy for quite some time now.  As of the time of this writing I have now been traveling for a little over 7 years, starting in 2004.  I became bored with “regular” life, was tired of working all the time to pay: mortgage, office rent, storage, electric bill, student loans, car loads, etc. etc. – and so I decided there had to be a better way to live life.  I was tired of spending all my time to support my “stuff” and having no free time to enjoy life.  So I restructured my existence so that I can spend most of my time living, and only a little of my time working, and do that while I’m on the road.  And it has really worked out quite well, I have gone through many iterations of this idea, and I’m sure there will be many more, life is an adventure, and we should spend our time experiencing it, not working.

I started my travels living in a truck with a trailer with several medieval tents.  I traveled from SCA event to event selling hand made chainmail jewelry, which formed my business Art Thou Glorious, which was quite successful and supported my adventures entirely for about 5 years.  During this time I was spending a lot of time camping on the National Forest and the rest of my time in the medieval times!!  I’ve always loved the middle ages, so this was a great way to enjoy life, creating art in some of the most beautiful places in the country, and then selling it to wonderful people on the weekends, while enjoying my longtime hobby.  As things progressed I built a trailer to simplify life, it was designed to look like a castle, but was entirely livable and comfortable on the inside, setup to sell out of, and live in – a great life simplifying creation.

As time progressed and the economy weakened, it became more and more difficult to support myself selling a luxury good to people who were already struggling to just live life.  So I had to reinvent things again.  In 2009 I moved into a small bus and started working an online job to create a stable income.  The bus further simplified life, though it took away my easy to sell from setup, so since 2009 I have spent little time making jewelry, and more time exploring music and art across the country.

For a long time I have been a drummer.  The SCA has a pretty great drum and belly dance scene, and a number of years ago I was inspired to pick up a drum and try my hand at it.  I have played instruments since I was a kid, so I have decent rhythm, and it came fairly naturally to me.  Over the years it has become more of a serious pursuit for me.  When 2010 rolled around I decided to have a year of music, and sought out music venues, new types of music, musical instruments and all around enjoyment of music.  This has led me to where I am today.  In 2011 I have continued building my musical skills.  I am currently learning the art of electronic music and recording, expanding my drum skills, relearning keyboards and trombone, and adding additional instruments.  I have also hooked up with a wonderful instrumentalist, singer, dancer, and drummer, and together we shall be creating music and performing together while we continue on our adventures.  Currently we are hosting drum circles and expanding our musical abilities while we explore our inspiration and develop our sound.

This seems like enough of an introduction for now.  My plan is to use this site to discuss my jewelry, my travels, alternative lifestyles, my music, and related stories.  I hope that you enjoy these tales and that it encourages you to break free and enjoy life, be it through travel, or music, or creative expression… Live free!!

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